There can never be peace
when might usurps the rights of the right. There can never bepeace when men malign one
another and distort the truth to win over the desired goals. There can never be peace when
men in authority enslave and imprison those who oppose or disagree with them. There can
never be peace when nations take undue advantage of being strong against weak. In fact all
these actions pose serious threat to humanity and peace. If peace has to prevail then the
victors, the powerful and the mighty must learn to be magnanimous, merciful and benign.
India claims to be secular. It is also called second largest democracy in the world This
secular state and second largest democracy has always distorted the truth to mislead the
opinion and malign the freedom movement of Kashmir. To extend its occupation, it has
an unprecedented number of occupation forces in Kashmir numbering more than seven hundred
thousand This highest concentration of troops against a meager population is just to choke
voice of people who demand their right to decide their own fate. Trampling underfoot all
norms of
civilized conduct, India has let loosed reign of terror in Kashmir, bringing untold
miseries to
helpless Kashmiris.
To mislead the world opinion on Kashmir, Indian authorities have propagated certain views
confuse the international community and to camouflage the reality. Barrister Sultan
Chaudhry, Prime Minister of the State of Azad Jammu & Kashmir has analyzed the current
situation. In the following pages, his arguments effectively counter the Indian
propaganda. The
vivid picture that emerges should enable the international Community to see through the